26 julio, 2016

Al Golpe del Guatimé

One of the most peculiar characteristics of the Jarocho Veracruzano (people of Veracruz in México), it is the talent to blend the reality, the magic, the legend and the imagination in a daily way ,taking advantage of new experiences; never being known before for its proportion that guards each of these elements.“Al Golpe del Guatimé” (musical group) is the conclusion of many years of working in the music and study of the origin of the "Son Jarocho": the oriental music, African music, Spanish music and Native music, Al Golpe del Guatimé is interested in research the musical route and the influences from East to Mexican land just as in in the fusion of other musical styles. Guatimé signe: liane , it is usually used for to blow horse.

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