26 julio, 2016

Al Golpe del Guatimé

Jose Ángel Gutiérrez Is fifty eight years old and he began fourty years ago. He has played in important stages (theatre) of the city of Mexico such as: the Theatre of the City, National Audience, Ollín Yoliztli theatre and others, also, he has realized tours along the entire Mexican Republic, playing in important festivals in France (Festival de la Humanité) and Canada and The United States, he was a co-founder of the Group " Mono Blanco " and musical successor of Arcadio Hidalgo,  formed his own Group of experimental music in which he was combined Jarocho music and Raga Hindú, promoter and diffuser of the  Jarocha Llanera music in all territory of Mexico, he is also, a Decimista and author of the book " Décimas, Legends and  jarochos poems ", his first Compact Disc is a sample of Sound Traditional Jarocho music except three pieces of his own inspiration, that shows a clear influence Arab - Spanish. Al Golpe del Guatimé" is integrated for José Angel Gutiérrez, Teresita Islas his wife, his son José Enrique and guest artists with extensive experience such as Regard Persan group: Ziya Tabassian he born in Iran virtuoso percussionist, Saeed Kamjoo master of Kamancheh (instrument of Persian origin)and Pooria Pournazeri teacher of the setar. In 2005 “Al golpe del Guatimé” went to Festival “Cumbres de Garonna” in Bordeaux, France and made a recording for “Winter & Winter” in tribute to Concha Michel and Tina Modotti “the roses” it is about the traditional Mexican music, and played in the festival “Encuentro de Jaraneros de California” in Los Angeles, USA. José has also recorded music for the films "The Lupitas and figures Passion" directed by Mexican film director Rafael Corkidi.
Constantinople, remarkable Canadian Group, has invited them to their very important Project called “Terranostra” where the famous Mexican group “Al Golpe del Guatimé” participated in their recording.  This project search in the deep roots of the oriental music and the baroque music and their influences in diferent countries, and one of the most important investigations is in the region of Sotavento, in Veracruz, México.
The roots of this music have been extended in several centuries with the integrations of Spanish, Indians, Africans, Gypsies and Moros. Today this music is alive and willing to share this magical experience. This project has been performed in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec, Winnipeg in Canada, Zacatecas, Puebla, Chihuahua, Michoacán in México and now in the Festival d’ile in France. Al Golpe del Guatimé has made recordings of his own inspiration for Atma clasique in Montreal, Canada. In the recent months they were recognized for artistic contribution to the culture of México and they represent their state on a musical tour of southern Mexico (Circuito Sur de Música). José play "requinto jarocho" (melody) he has made innovations to his instrument by~ adding strings to achieve harmonies and oriental reminiscences, developing maximum improvisation in the composition. Teresita play "jarana" (native guitar). In 2013 she was awarded scholarship holder FONCA for composition recording a cd entitled "Heart of a Woman" it reflecting her struggle for women's rights, discrimination and insecurity in México. Teresita writes the lyrics of the compositions taking as inspiration the experiences, legends, cultures and feelings and José Enrique creates a harmonic base with his "Leona"( bass guitar native). Ziya Tabassian is a virtuoso percussionist has performed in concerts around the world, employs the most unusual elements to develop their art. Saeed Kamjoo is a master of Kamancheh unmatched sensitivity and skill of improvisation has moved by many countries. Pooria Pournazeri play Tanbour, Setar, and Daf  his unique style through performing in concerts has been showed through performing in concerts in Tehran,Rasht, Isfahan. José Ángel, Teresita and Enrique along with Ziya,Saeed and Pooria are working on the realization of a new project called "Son de Jade"~ where they intend to create new compositions with influences from baroque and persa music to achieve a fusion between the exquisite and sublime and the explosive and rough of the jarocho music.

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