27 julio, 2016


Guitarra de Son CNV Records (2003)


Teresita Islas born in the port of Veracruz was part of the traditions folk ballet in the Veracruz city. She entered the University of Administrative Sciences of the Universidad Veracruzana and was member of contemporary dance workshop and graduated in Tourism Business Administration.

Dancer Son Jarocho, Decimista, composer and performer Jarana for thirty years, in addition to dabble in the arts, has presented exhibitions of painting in public institutions, has published décimas and has also participated in music festivals in the United States, France, Canada and Mexico. Coauthor of the Sones who plays the group. She has recorded six albums and one with his own compositions. She have received some awards and recognition as a poet such as; Festival of the Sea in Coatzacoalcos, Coatzin Award 2010 "Woman of Valor 2013" in Lerdo de Tejada. She has been collaborating to performing the the book "La mujer en la décima" and the book "Viva la Cuenca". During the year 2012 ended his first literary work entitled "El Cascabel" novel refers to deep feminine feelings and her harsh environment has published a collection of poems entitled "Matices". Winner of the Latin American contest of autobiography, likewise, won the scholarship FONCA for the program Traditional Musicians 2012 , she composed themes about women and her histories. she was awarded with his group the South circuit of music , recording for the FONCA a c'd in Tabasco, is currently artistic producer of the group participating in the joint project with the Canadian Group Constantinople and the jarocho oriental project called "Son de Jade" addition to teaching workshops décimas and tutorials zapateado jarocho in the house of culture Saltabarranca, Veracruz, Lerdo Cultural Center and Multiple Attention Center for childrens in Lerdo de Tejada.

Jose Enrique is the youngest member of the group, however their experience in the field of music began at age twelve when he accompanied his parents to the performance at "Encuentro de jaraneros de California" and all its presentations on national territory, including which highlights meeting Latin American poets in San Luis Potosi, International Festival of Chihuahua, Cultural Week Zacatecas, tour Circuit of music south for six Mexican states, concert for UNAM, the festival of verse and dance in Morelia. Jose Enrique, he sings and playing bass guitar or bombona.